Faculty Profiles

Han, Jian
Professor of Management;
Programme Director of Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) Programme
Programme Co-Director of Advanced Management Programme
Dr. Jian Han is Professor of Management at CEIBS. She received her Ph.D. from the School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University. She teaches, conducts research and consults in the area of strategic human resource management and organizational transformation. She is the founding academic director of the CEIBS Chief Human Resource Officer Program (CHRO).
Dr. Han has received several teaching and case-writing awards, such as the Teaching Innovation Award from the Human Resources Division, Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Conference, the CEIBS Teaching Excellence Award, the First-prize Winner of the National Case Competition on Case-based Teaching in Business Administration and Theory-building, China, the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) Case Writing Award, and Nominated Case Award for Global Contest for the Best China-Focused Cases.
Dr. Han’s research in organization and talent management has been published extensively in scholarly journals such as Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management Studies, Human Resource Management, Journal of International Business Studies, Industry and Labor Relation Review, Organizational Research Methods, Journal of Business Ethics, and Journal of Organizational Behavior. She also contributes book chapters in organizational change, compensation and benefits, employee recruitment, workforce diversity management and innovation. Dr. Han has presented more than 30 papers at leading international management conferences. Her work has been cited by CNN, Financial Times, Fortune, China Daily, CCTV, and China Business Review. Since 2018, she has served in the editorial board of the Journal of Vocation Behavior.
In addition to teaching and research, Dr. Han has been actively involving in professional service. She has been an active contributor to professional conferences. Since 2012, she has served on various WEF’s global expert councils. In 2017, Dr. Han was ranked among the list of 30 global “thought leaders that most likely to shape future business model” by Thinkers 50 Radar. She also received the CEIBS Service Excellent Award for Faculty Members in 2018.
- Ph.D. School of Industrial and Labour Relations, Cornell University, USA
- M.S., School of Inudstrial and Labour Relations, Cornell University, USA
- M.S., Park School of Communication, Ithaca College, USA
- B.S., Renmin University of China
- Strategic human resource management
- Team effectiveness and leadership development
- Organisational change and development
- Technology development and future of work
- Nominated Case Award, Global Contest for the Best China-Focused Cases, 2019
- Best Teaching Innovation Award, HR Division, Academy of Management, 2018
- CEIBS Teaching Excellent Award, 2018
- CEIBS Faculty Service Award, 2018
- Radar list of “Global Thinker 50 of next generation business management", 2017
- CEIBS-Joyoung Research Fund, “Organisational design and performance in firms that promote intrapreneurs and innovation" (in coll. with Prof. Huang Y and Frank Yu), 2016
- Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings (in coll. with Han, J. H., Liao, H., and Kim, S.), 2013
- Winner of the Best International Paper Award of Career Division, Academy of Management Annual Conference (in coll. with Neng Liang and Lan Wang), 2012
- Winner of the EFMD Case Competition in the category Emerging Chinese Global Competitors (2,000 Euros prize) for the case “A Dispute over a Pay Rise in Company F” (in coll. with Fu, Xin), 2012
- First-prize Winner of Best Case Award, National Case Competition on Case-based Teaching in Business Administration and Theory-building, China (in coll. with Fu, Xin), 2011
- First-Prize Winner of IACMR Best Dissertation Proposal Award (in coll. with Chen, Xiao, mentor of Ph.D dissertation), 2010
- Semi-Finalist, Divisional Best Paper Award, Gender and Diversion Division, Academy of Management Annual Conference (in coll. with Jing Han), 2009
- Chinese National Science Foundation. “The relationship between diversity management and innovation”. 70602007, 2007-2009
- Finalist, Divisional Best Student Paper, Human Resource Management Division, Academy of Management Annual Conference (in coll. with Chris Collins), 2002
Incongruous Employer Brand Signals and Organizational Attractiveness: Evidence from Multinational Companies in China (Wang, L., Han, J*., Ramasamy, B., and Peng, S. ) , Human Resource Management (FT 50) (*correspondent author), Forthcoming
From local modification to global innovation: How research units in emerging economies innovate for the world (Morris, S., Oldroyd, J., Allen, RT., Chng, DHM., & Han, J. ) , Journal of International Business Studies, 54, pages418–440, 2023
When Leader–Member Exchange Differentiation Improves Work Group Functioning: The Combined Roles of Differentiation Bases and Reward Interdependence (Han, J. H., Liao, H., Han, J., & Li, N. ) , Personnel Psychology, 74(1), 109–141. , 2021
Do high performance work system generate negative effects? How and When? (Han, J., Sun, J., and Wang, H. ) , Human Resource Management Review, 30(2), 2020
Narcissism and empowerment: Narcissism influence mechanism on the trickle-down effects of organizational empowerment climate on performance (Han, J. H., Liao, H., Kim, S. and Han, J. ) , Journal of Management Studies, 57(6), 1217-1245, 2020
Corporate social responsibility and its impact on the management of human resource in China: a multilevel study (Tourigny, L., Han, J., Baba, V., and Pan, Y.) , Journal of Business Ethics, 158(2), 427-440, 2019
2023-03-13 How do R&D teams in emerging economies innovate for the world?
2022-08-25 Can flexible employment be a magic cure-all during the pandemic?
2022-06-16 Mixed messages on CSR can cripple your company’s attractiveness as an employer
2020-08-14 A Few Thoughts for Private Companies on How to Attract High-potential Talent
2020-03-06 Flexible employment in China: an emerging trend
2019-10-15 Do High-Performance Work Systems Generate Negative Effects?
2019-09-05 Transforming Uncertainties into Opportunities – What Should CHOs Do?
2018-05-29 Shared Leadership & Team Learning: Time to Embrace the Team Dynamic
2018-03-07 Does Gender Matter?
2018-02-22 Downsizing? Handle with Care