Five Mentorship Lessons from a CEIBS MBA Student


At China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), mentorship is more than just guidance; it's a cornerstone of our MBA experience. In fact, each and every one of our MBA students are paired up with an alumni during their time at CEIBS. 

Here, Will Hubbard from the MBA Class of 2024 shares his enriching mentorship journey with us, demonstrating the transformative power of this relationship. His mentor, Diego Garcia Fernandez, a CEIBS alumnus from MBA Class of 2015 and now Head of Business Development for Southeast Asia at Alipay in Singapore, has been a beacon of guidance and support.

Finding the Right Fit

Will’s choice of mentor was a critical decision. "I was looking for an international mentor... having someone who’s also gone through the same experiences is very helpful," he explains. This echoes CEIBS' focus on aligning mentor-mentee relationships with personal and professional aspirations.

Building a Connection Beyond Business

The relationship between Will and Diego transcended professional boundaries, fostering personal growth. "I was really hoping for a personal connection with my mentor," Will shares, highlighting the value of mentorship that extends from the professional into the personal.


Maintaining Regular and Meaningful Communication

Will emphasises the importance of keeping in touch. "I just made it not feel strange to be messaging each other more," he says. This approach reflects the active engagement encouraged by CEIBS, ensuring that the mentorship remains relevant and enriching.

Mentorship as a Two-Way Street

Will’s time in the programme illustrates that mentorship is not just about receiving but also about sharing insights and experiences. "It's really nice to share because it's just like sharing with a friend," he reflects, underscoring how CEIBS fosters reciprocal and mutually beneficial mentor-mentee relationships.


Transitioning from Mentorship to Friendship

At CEIBS, mentorship often evolves into a lasting friendship, as Will himself experienced. "What started as mentorship has now blossomed into a friendship," he notes, showcasing the enduring connections formed in our MBA programme.

Will’s journey illuminates the incredible impact of mentorship within the CEIBS MBA programme. His story is a testament to the lasting relationships and profound personal and professional growth that our unique mentorship opportunities foster.

Are you ready to embark on a journey that goes beyond textbooks and lectures, where mentorship paves the way for lasting friendships and invaluable career insights? CEIBS invites you to explore a world where your MBA experience is enriched with guidance, inspiration, and real-world wisdom.

Dive into the CEIBS experience – where mentorship shapes future leaders. Reach out now and take the first step towards an MBA journey filled with transformative mentorships and endless possibilities!


Leonard Corcoran
Effy He and Michael Russam